
The Green Chip CH 838 follows the development of the mobile woodchipper from Silvatec. The company Greenchip bought the rights and documentation from Silvatec. RTC made construction changes necessary to fit a Tier 5 engine. The vehicle has a new chassis. To save costs, an HSM forestry machine cabin was incorporated. The new chassis is slimmer than the original, enabling the chipper to maneuver between narrow rows of trees – wider tires can also be used, which helps with stability.

Even though the overall dimensions are now smaller, the vehicle can carry up to 20mˆ3 wood chips. It can raise and kip its container to fill another container at the height of 3 meters. The chipping machine at the front of the vehicle has a diameter of 1,2 meters and makes 20-35 mm long chips.

  • Engine: Mercedes Stage V, 230kW
  • Top speed: 25 km/h
  • Dimensions (LxWxH): 11 m x 2,55 m x 3,7 m
  • Crane: Logmer, 60kNm lifting moment, 7 m reach
  • Grapple: Cranab CI 160
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